Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Of my Noteflight profile pictures

 "  My Noteflight profile at https://www.noteflight.com/profile/9448149c095d0371d42c75731428be65d774da17 

" I had not quite understood that people had liked just the profile pictures from my window. I just took nice pictures. When I needed something for my Noteflight profile, I searched something in somewhat music like direction, and chose two different pictures of roughly the same subject, so those fitted together. " 

Of a good spirit, something is in my book Magnifient Views https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/04/magnifient-views.html , and much was that I liked and typically like such things, so in a picture too those appear somehow nice, and also many of my melodies were of nature, and of tgat there are also links below the pictures, so that supports the viewpoint and maybe brings the page to others liking such hobbies, etc. Of such good spirit at large I have written already too many advices, see my texts about skilks for a Christmas gnome / elf like in the midern world, year around, world-wide, LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 .

 My book series "Of walking in beauty" might be one guess of what some people search for, since I did not quite understand, why such everyday life subject that sometimes succeeds and sometimes not, depending on the weathers and on the likings of ghe individual fitting the local environment, why write of such as if ot were some piece to take along when needed, see www.amazon.com/author/khtervola .

Anyway, here in Espoo such a good stmosphere seems many tines obstructed by some line like markings in the air, as if some asked, "why live here, why not go to some other place?", and they themselves woukd prefer moving to some other place but are somehow confused by the circumstancies. My book "Work and Feelings" WorkandFeelings.BlogSpot.com might help in this. Anyway, in Savonlinna too I lived in a town area in an apartment house, so in a way there seems not be much difference, but anyway there was somehow more peaceful, but on the other hand the life possibilities were not kept up so well. So I guess that it is the likings of peopke which matter, like-minded giving some peace for hpbbies etc. On the other hand one would need to advertise Vantaa and Sweden and maybe China to those who would prefer moving there, who do not seem to understand that different towns are diffeeent even if there are not so many kilometers difference in location of where one lives, and likewise countries are different. 

Sunday, 7 April 2024

Of a fine style

 When I was a teen, we lived in a wooden house in Helsinki, and we had a not-so-tidy garden and a black miniature poodle. When the poodle was a little bit older, I trained agility with it, so we had some self-made dogs' agility competition's type obstacles in the garden. The dog was sporty and I had a view of fine skills. So the style of the dog going through agility poles or jumping over a hurdle was quite magnifient. That was maybe because I understoid about learning skills and talents, so I let tge dog do freely, in ever varying ways. And like adviced, I kept the sessilns short, stopping them at once if the dog was turning toward bored. For example if the waving between poles at some time seemed to get even, I thought the dog had list interest, so I just threw it a ball and went to other actions in the garden or for a walk or something of the kind. Lukewise a dog ought never hurt itself in any way, since such ways of doing are not good for spirts. The nature being varued around and me liking watching beauty of both the nature and of tge pet, thinking them superbly wise in their nature and talented, each in their own way, surely must have helped in some skills, and brought the whole varying beauty, but kind of place by place and not evenly. 

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As an adult I had mainly in Savonlinna a white Japanese spitz and an apricot colour miniature poodle. I taught them for circus, but after a little bit over a half a year the training somehow got stopped and did not continue. Thr training diary in Finnish is at lukevatkoirat.blogspot.com .

The first picture is from Savonlinna. The second picture is from Espoo, taken two days before my poodle got killed, but I do not have on this mobile phone the pictures from Savonlinna. 

My free book https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/book-wonderful-miracle-like-beings.html 


 About things creating safety, you can read in the long long text Skills of Christmas gnomes, see LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 , for example in the first text A2. Safety isn't just a question of where you live, but also do you fit there, do you like the place, it's ways of living, values, the people living there, etc. And do you like your lufw, your job, free time, social contacts, the highlights and burdens of the life there. 

Green plants on a window

 Green plants may make the view much nicer and the room more comfortable to live in. Select plants suited to the amount of sunshine and sgadow on that window. Start with plants that are easiest to get to flourish. Of Finnish room plants, I think that "kirjovehka" was good since it grows so much leaves, and does not die at once, but instead a leaf or two may get dry, so one still has a chance to save it. To a dry place "mehikasvit" may be nice. 

Place the green plant in a flower pot on the window on a nice moment when you have some eye for such, some wisdom of life of how you want to live there, and do not move or turn it after that, just let it be in peace, taking care that it has enough but not too much moisture. So it will adjust there, maybe grow some new leaves, and so after a few days it will look better, and the atmosphere will be better, especially in the long run. Likewise with decoration objects on the window if you like such. For example I had on the window some old piece of tree branch, an 1 euro coin with the famous Finnish composer Sibelius as it's picture's theme, some small statue like decoration object and many plants.


The upper picture from April 2019 when I had been composing and writing about the skills for a Christmas gnome like life, see LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 .

In the lower picture, from some earlier April, on a sunny window, if I remember right, I had given the plants one doze of nutritients, and those grew already by it some 20cm, so I haven't after that used any nutritients. 

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Friday, 5 April 2024

"More countryside or more green views from an apartmenthouse window"

 "  I saw in the video site www.youtube.com a picture of an old items shop selling old decorated plates etc in Paris, as if the young people grown in Paris had wished for more nature. But the countryside did not feel like the right answer, it was as if suited to some other type of people, more centered on safety, visiting towns etc. But in apartment houses if you are not at the street level but live a little bit higher with trees outside the window, maybe treetops so high that the views are green most of the year and charming, then one could furnish like one's view of countryside life, yet have sports hobbies etc near by, all the wide lufe possibilities of town, even if one furnishes somewhat grandparents like style, somewhat like hobbiest, music, clothes, handiworks, green plants, maybe pets and social life. See picturesfrommyhome.blogspot.com 


There may be very different kind of views even from near by apartments, so such may be worth checking if you like the district. 

These are my views from here where I have now lived for three years, in north-eastern Espoo at the capital district of Finland in southern Finland:  

One can learn about fine views if one has a music hobby or the like, kind of atmospheric moments like coming outdoors and the weatger just fine, refreshing or otherwise suiting, lifting one's mood, and so the style of the nature fine too in such a weather. Anyway, for atmospheric moment one usually needs some variation in one's life, so one can start things anew and notice when something suits one, what is good for what. And so one picks things that one likes, like a nice place to sit in. And so one can change one's life toward better as one learns new such improvements, things fitting obeself and skills for life, knowledge too. Starting fresh makes it possible to reach for better quality, and so also make better lufe chouces in the long run. 

Anyway, one takes the photos on such atmospheric moments, to learn about such charm, to reach something like such again even though usually in a different form, like a different weather and a different view for example. 

It is a foggy day today.


Magnifient views may connect with what one is interested in the world

 See my other new blogs   ASorcerer.blogspot.com ,

And not so magnifient looks, but interesting how much a liked object in a dream like area of life can in some cases bring such life across the years. See, Gandalflikehome.blogspot.com .

So, maybe tvis subject connects also with my name association "emperor", even though it isn't any position or job, except that of a writer of these blogs, or the like: communicating wisdom needed in the wide world, see linkstomytexts.blogspot.com 

Of my Noteflight profile pictures

 "  My Noteflight profile at  https://www.noteflight.com/profile/9448149c095d0371d42c75731428be65d774da17   " I had not quite unde...