Sunday, 7 April 2024

Green plants on a window

 Green plants may make the view much nicer and the room more comfortable to live in. Select plants suited to the amount of sunshine and sgadow on that window. Start with plants that are easiest to get to flourish. Of Finnish room plants, I think that "kirjovehka" was good since it grows so much leaves, and does not die at once, but instead a leaf or two may get dry, so one still has a chance to save it. To a dry place "mehikasvit" may be nice. 

Place the green plant in a flower pot on the window on a nice moment when you have some eye for such, some wisdom of life of how you want to live there, and do not move or turn it after that, just let it be in peace, taking care that it has enough but not too much moisture. So it will adjust there, maybe grow some new leaves, and so after a few days it will look better, and the atmosphere will be better, especially in the long run. Likewise with decoration objects on the window if you like such. For example I had on the window some old piece of tree branch, an 1 euro coin with the famous Finnish composer Sibelius as it's picture's theme, some small statue like decoration object and many plants.


The upper picture from April 2019 when I had been composing and writing about the skills for a Christmas gnome like life, see .

In the lower picture, from some earlier April, on a sunny window, if I remember right, I had given the plants one doze of nutritients, and those grew already by it some 20cm, so I haven't after that used any nutritients. 

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