Thursday, 4 April 2024

"Home nicely"

 "  When I in Savonlinna bought a keyboard from the music instrument shop Soitinkulma, the shopkeeper said that in order to keep it a long time, one ought to have a scarf or the like upon it when it is not played, to prevent dust, but that a scarf is so light that it tends to glide to the floor. So I put a folded blanket of the type I had bought from Espoo upon it, but I feel that such is also a good way to teach, how to keep things well and nicely. And the charm of a countryside place adds to it and one can imagine that it is easier to learn in connection with music. But so one can maybe lwarn to keep one's home well somewhat like grandparents' home. I do not know huch much the emphazis on a countryside place on such things is necessary, but it did help a lot. 

Learn to compose


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