Thursday, 4 April 2024

"Indoors somewhat like a forest"

 "  In Savonlinna at Kaartilantie 15B24 where there was a forest patch outside the window, and I had my two knee high companion dogs, but still did not feel fully comfortable indoors. Once my pets or mice or the luttle singing birds in the trees outside the window, said ghat they had decided to try forest like way of keeping the indoors. It went something like having ordinarily nucely tidy first. Then if I tended to read the newspaper in a certain place and put it aside near by, such was jyst a pile of leisurely tossed similar things, left on a good moment like that kind of action, not touched later, like fallen leaves. Or if I had somewhere a small carpet or an old newspaper sheltering the floir, and it at some occasion got tilted under the feet of a moving dog, it too was left as it was, since it looked nicer so. Byt if something did not feel good, it I removed and arranged the place and the room tidy and nice again. Like for example a carpet in a bunch with magnifient looks after my dogs, if it got pressed by my feet, it no longer looked magnifient, so I just straightened it and ordibarily oyt ut on the fliir. 

Pictures from my home at Espoo May 2021 - February 2022 

I have been sleepy. I haven't tidied for the pictures at all. I have just felt like experimenting with the camera and having pictures later to be able to remember these times. 

But the problem with this kind of way of keeping indoors, is that if others start commanding about it, it goes just ashtray, like I have just slept and eaten and hung in the internet, and when I try to wake up, even the old good habits get prevented, and so my life is stopped and tge room a mess. I guess some want some advices in nice kind of life skills first  but I have already written some 10 000 advices, so it just does not make sense anymore, I need a life of my own even if writing often continues. 

My room today 15th of December 2023. 

Estimating the number of my texts

The Christmas gnomes internet institute 1600 pieces of text, the rest of the blig, ibcluding Knitting tips, maybe 100 advices or more.

My Finnish healing blog has some 1000 entries with several additions, I do not know how many, so maybe 1800 advices

Translations seem to reflect the views of the translator, so my text about the four seasons is maybe 2 x 500 pieces of advice plus 200 instructions on getting warm.

Healthy ways of living 450 in Finnish and 160 in English

Changing job to a dream job 600 in Finnish and 50 in English

Videos, mostly text vudeos with some advice in learnibg skills, a 1 000 videos

Healing advices in English, maybe 100 or some 600 headers not so well translated

Solving environmental questions, some 250 advices or solutions in Finnish

Developing thinking skills, 100 advices to help the thinkibg course, plus a lobg blog

A 400 pages long collection book of paradise theory, maybe 1 000 pieces of text

I have about 100 blogs. Some of them have some 200 entries, mostly inclyding some piece of advice or vuew


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