Sunday, 7 April 2024

Of a fine style

 When I was a teen, we lived in a wooden house in Helsinki, and we had a not-so-tidy garden and a black miniature poodle. When the poodle was a little bit older, I trained agility with it, so we had some self-made dogs' agility competition's type obstacles in the garden. The dog was sporty and I had a view of fine skills. So the style of the dog going through agility poles or jumping over a hurdle was quite magnifient. That was maybe because I understoid about learning skills and talents, so I let tge dog do freely, in ever varying ways. And like adviced, I kept the sessilns short, stopping them at once if the dog was turning toward bored. For example if the waving between poles at some time seemed to get even, I thought the dog had list interest, so I just threw it a ball and went to other actions in the garden or for a walk or something of the kind. Lukewise a dog ought never hurt itself in any way, since such ways of doing are not good for spirts. The nature being varued around and me liking watching beauty of both the nature and of tge pet, thinking them superbly wise in their nature and talented, each in their own way, surely must have helped in some skills, and brought the whole varying beauty, but kind of place by place and not evenly. 

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As an adult I had mainly in Savonlinna a white Japanese spitz and an apricot colour miniature poodle. I taught them for circus, but after a little bit over a half a year the training somehow got stopped and did not continue. Thr training diary in Finnish is at .

The first picture is from Savonlinna. The second picture is from Espoo, taken two days before my poodle got killed, but I do not have on this mobile phone the pictures from Savonlinna. 

My free book 


 About things creating safety, you can read in the long long text Skills of Christmas gnomes, see , for example in the first text A2. Safety isn't just a question of where you live, but also do you fit there, do you like the place, it's ways of living, values, the people living there, etc. And do you like your lufw, your job, free time, social contacts, the highlights and burdens of the life there. 

Green plants on a window

 Green plants may make the view much nicer and the room more comfortable to live in. Select plants suited to the amount of sunshine and sgadow on that window. Start with plants that are easiest to get to flourish. Of Finnish room plants, I think that "kirjovehka" was good since it grows so much leaves, and does not die at once, but instead a leaf or two may get dry, so one still has a chance to save it. To a dry place "mehikasvit" may be nice. 

Place the green plant in a flower pot on the window on a nice moment when you have some eye for such, some wisdom of life of how you want to live there, and do not move or turn it after that, just let it be in peace, taking care that it has enough but not too much moisture. So it will adjust there, maybe grow some new leaves, and so after a few days it will look better, and the atmosphere will be better, especially in the long run. Likewise with decoration objects on the window if you like such. For example I had on the window some old piece of tree branch, an 1 euro coin with the famous Finnish composer Sibelius as it's picture's theme, some small statue like decoration object and many plants.


The upper picture from April 2019 when I had been composing and writing about the skills for a Christmas gnome like life, see .

In the lower picture, from some earlier April, on a sunny window, if I remember right, I had given the plants one doze of nutritients, and those grew already by it some 20cm, so I haven't after that used any nutritients. 

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Friday, 5 April 2024

"More countryside or more green views from an apartmenthouse window"

 "  I saw in the video site a picture of an old items shop selling old decorated plates etc in Paris, as if the young people grown in Paris had wished for more nature. But the countryside did not feel like the right answer, it was as if suited to some other type of people, more centered on safety, visiting towns etc. But in apartment houses if you are not at the street level but live a little bit higher with trees outside the window, maybe treetops so high that the views are green most of the year and charming, then one could furnish like one's view of countryside life, yet have sports hobbies etc near by, all the wide lufe possibilities of town, even if one furnishes somewhat grandparents like style, somewhat like hobbiest, music, clothes, handiworks, green plants, maybe pets and social life. See 


There may be very different kind of views even from near by apartments, so such may be worth checking if you like the district. 

These are my views from here where I have now lived for three years, in north-eastern Espoo at the capital district of Finland in southern Finland:  

One can learn about fine views if one has a music hobby or the like, kind of atmospheric moments like coming outdoors and the weatger just fine, refreshing or otherwise suiting, lifting one's mood, and so the style of the nature fine too in such a weather. Anyway, for atmospheric moment one usually needs some variation in one's life, so one can start things anew and notice when something suits one, what is good for what. And so one picks things that one likes, like a nice place to sit in. And so one can change one's life toward better as one learns new such improvements, things fitting obeself and skills for life, knowledge too. Starting fresh makes it possible to reach for better quality, and so also make better lufe chouces in the long run. 

Anyway, one takes the photos on such atmospheric moments, to learn about such charm, to reach something like such again even though usually in a different form, like a different weather and a different view for example. 

It is a foggy day today.


Magnifient views may connect with what one is interested in the world

 See my other new blogs ,

And not so magnifient looks, but interesting how much a liked object in a dream like area of life can in some cases bring such life across the years. See, .

So, maybe tvis subject connects also with my name association "emperor", even though it isn't any position or job, except that of a writer of these blogs, or the like: communicating wisdom needed in the wide world, see 

Thursday, 4 April 2024

"About making home nice"

 "  In making home nice it matters that you like the furniture, curtains and other things in your home. So it matters that you would invest time and interest in buying things that you like and need, also the needed things good for life also in what comes to coloyr symbolics and values in ways of living. What there is to buy depends a lot in which town's area you are. So if you want a nice home, moving to or at least visiting places that you like and whose ways doing and living you wantvto share, affects a lot what kind of home you get.

In the empty apartment there are different types of spaces. Likewise you need space for diffwrent major or most liked uses, and you have certain main furniture that you want to have in use. Build spaces for the different uses in ways that you like. Balance the whole with smaller things like a blanket, a small drawer etc. Likewise you can balance colours to nice, remembering curtains in this. Different types of furniture have their own ways of living. Take them knto account when building the spaces for different actions. Remember also the views from windows. 

"Finding a good place to live in"

 "  In the Finnish climate of four seasons, it is clear that one cannot live the summer in the same way as winter, since the weathers are so different. One needs to have a liking for tge variatiln of the weathers and seasons to enjoy such life. Typicamly people have a liking of some country's, climate's and type of district's wisdom of life in it's ways of living, and so thry tune toward such, and may forget to or do not want to tune themselves to their present living place's weather skills, cultute, wisdom of life etc. So they would most adapt to and like living in the district whose wisdom of life they admire. So they ought to move there right away. And likewise of family members: each to the climate, country and type of environment that they enjoy are tuned to, which culture's wisdom they value. That way they themselves would be much wiser, natural and happy. 

4th of January 2024   Bobby Vee : "I love you more than I can say" 

My old blog about making indoors nice

 I guess my old blog contains many advices which the readers of this blog are searching for. In addition there is my Christmas gnome skills blog .

You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the headers at

Or start reading from the beginnkng of tge first book at 

These ought to bring many skills useful in creating a home that is nice to live in. 

"Pictures depend on climate preferencies and on valuing such things in life"

 "  What one considers nice, a thing to aim at, wise often shows in which climate one would suit, enjoy lufe there and consider it wise in a good way and with wisdom of lufe that suits oneself. The cold and cool weathers are good for looking a lot and for looking with the sense of beauty along. So people inclined to such life all the time tend to produce beautiful pictures with lots of details. So if you like some other type of pictures, for example with less details and more social, that is typically a question of climate preferences, of to where you would suit. There are such pictures too, but one ought to searvh for them in connection with cultural traditions of that climate, kind of see the ways of living as wholes. Likewise the emphazies on different areas of life are climate and culture dependent. 

These texts of mine are on a general level just to allow local variation. So ghe pictures are usually much more local, and they depend on me having liked those areas of lufe and so having treated the artifacts well and with good spirit, kind of feeling them kind of precious to me, as parts of the thinfs in my lufe which I had myself chosen. 

"Indoors somewhat like a forest"

 "  In Savonlinna at Kaartilantie 15B24 where there was a forest patch outside the window, and I had my two knee high companion dogs, but still did not feel fully comfortable indoors. Once my pets or mice or the luttle singing birds in the trees outside the window, said ghat they had decided to try forest like way of keeping the indoors. It went something like having ordinarily nucely tidy first. Then if I tended to read the newspaper in a certain place and put it aside near by, such was jyst a pile of leisurely tossed similar things, left on a good moment like that kind of action, not touched later, like fallen leaves. Or if I had somewhere a small carpet or an old newspaper sheltering the floir, and it at some occasion got tilted under the feet of a moving dog, it too was left as it was, since it looked nicer so. Byt if something did not feel good, it I removed and arranged the place and the room tidy and nice again. Like for example a carpet in a bunch with magnifient looks after my dogs, if it got pressed by my feet, it no longer looked magnifient, so I just straightened it and ordibarily oyt ut on the fliir. 

Pictures from my home at Espoo May 2021 - February 2022 

I have been sleepy. I haven't tidied for the pictures at all. I have just felt like experimenting with the camera and having pictures later to be able to remember these times. 

But the problem with this kind of way of keeping indoors, is that if others start commanding about it, it goes just ashtray, like I have just slept and eaten and hung in the internet, and when I try to wake up, even the old good habits get prevented, and so my life is stopped and tge room a mess. I guess some want some advices in nice kind of life skills first  but I have already written some 10 000 advices, so it just does not make sense anymore, I need a life of my own even if writing often continues. 

My room today 15th of December 2023. 

Estimating the number of my texts

The Christmas gnomes internet institute 1600 pieces of text, the rest of the blig, ibcluding Knitting tips, maybe 100 advices or more.

My Finnish healing blog has some 1000 entries with several additions, I do not know how many, so maybe 1800 advices

Translations seem to reflect the views of the translator, so my text about the four seasons is maybe 2 x 500 pieces of advice plus 200 instructions on getting warm.

Healthy ways of living 450 in Finnish and 160 in English

Changing job to a dream job 600 in Finnish and 50 in English

Videos, mostly text vudeos with some advice in learnibg skills, a 1 000 videos

Healing advices in English, maybe 100 or some 600 headers not so well translated

Solving environmental questions, some 250 advices or solutions in Finnish

Developing thinking skills, 100 advices to help the thinkibg course, plus a lobg blog

A 400 pages long collection book of paradise theory, maybe 1 000 pieces of text

I have about 100 blogs. Some of them have some 200 entries, mostly inclyding some piece of advice or vuew


"Home nicely"

 "  When I in Savonlinna bought a keyboard from the music instrument shop Soitinkulma, the shopkeeper said that in order to keep it a long time, one ought to have a scarf or the like upon it when it is not played, to prevent dust, but that a scarf is so light that it tends to glide to the floor. So I put a folded blanket of the type I had bought from Espoo upon it, but I feel that such is also a good way to teach, how to keep things well and nicely. And the charm of a countryside place adds to it and one can imagine that it is easier to learn in connection with music. But so one can maybe lwarn to keep one's home well somewhat like grandparents' home. I do not know huch much the emphazis on a countryside place on such things is necessary, but it did help a lot. 

Learn to compose


Some values affecting how magnifient the views are


 g17.   Fair play keeps things well for life in the living environment.

66. Sparklingly fascinating human relationships
If one is one's true self in one's human relationships, in one's everyday life encounters, the others too have their characteristics. So if one goies along with them somewhat, the amount like most fascuinates in each type of characteristic, always only for a few minutes or like feels best for onself and is natural. Then one can from one's human cantact each one learn something about life, even if one were different from the other one and even if the others were not so wise and fascinating ordinarily.
So one learns about life, lives a fascinating everuday life, and from each person one can choose which characteristics are like what I am interested in and which get löeft further away. In this way one sometimes gets sparklingly fascinating human relationships, but that means that one should not be rigid, formal or lie to oneself.

67. With things it is the same: if you can yourself choose the distance and how much you associate with them, things are much more fascinating.

My books

 My books, booklets and ebooks are for sale at the Amazon internet bookshops. Most of them you can find at .

At my blog there are blog links and free download links for quite many of my books. 


9th of April 2024   See my new book

29th of July 2024   Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to 

About the magnifient looks of trees

 From my blog :

"  Old fully healthy trees often have more stunning looks than very young trees. But such typically needs that the tree has had enough room to grow branches balancedly on every side of it. 

The climate, culture and area that you are tuned to, whose wisdom of lufe you want to cultivate and learn, determines that you propably would suit there and like such a place's nature, ways, skills, wisdom of lufe etc. But in different kinds of places you are propably out of tune, kind of skriik skraak, nothing so much worth looking at kn the major currents of life or nature.    See also 

The builders of the town landscape have often also thought of there being nature there, especially trees, grasses and summer flowers. So if you look at a city landscape as a whole but consisting of pieces miljo per miljo, there is a way the trees roadside etc make the houses look magnifient, the whole miljo magnifient as a whole with the gardens etc too. It is often a view of life in the houses with weather skills if one folliws it and quite satisfied life as a whole if one lives there so, but it needs following civiluced wisdom.

Each tree species has it's own charm. Looking it that charm's way is often a fine experience for those who like such styles. Each tree soecies also seems to have it's own wisdom, but at least for me such impressions vary from time to another, and I cannot grasp such on purpise or again, it just existed once and the next tine something else or nothing special. 

Each miljo or garden type and each nature habitat has it's own charm. If you long for such, it is fine. But some others would move to another kind of envirlnment. 

Lots of sensory stimuli is good when jyst coming outdoors, but especially on hot weather such cannot last long. But anyway nice nature around usually makes lufe more pleasant, for example helps a lot recovery after a working day. 


Of my Noteflight profile pictures

 "  My Noteflight profile at   " I had not quite unde...